Infrastructure Africa - The Documentary


How does the infrastructure situation in Developing Countries impact people's wellbeing, education and health?


The development of Infrastructure solutions & raising awareness of the effect the lack of infrastructure has on people & economies is close to my heart. I want to journey through Africa and document the correlation of the ever increasing demand for transportation and how people’s lives are affected through the lack of infrastructure networks.This film looks at how inhabitants from rural and urban areas in developing countries are effected in their social economic life, in education and health.

With the ever increasing demand for transportation across the World, this Documentary looks at people living in countries across Africa with notoriously poor and limited road infrastructure and how they are living with these challenges and identify how the social economic life in rural areas is affected.  It also will look at the future for the Western World. How will it cope with the increase in transportation over the next decade. 

I need your help and support in producing a documentary so that lives can be impacted and changed.


In Ivory Coast for example, roads that are meant to last 20 years are only lasting the country 2-3 years meaning several things: 

  • 60% of the road infrastructure is in a dire state

  • Budget allocated for the building of new roads is used to fix and try to maintain the existing ones

  • The fast increase in demand for transportation cannot be facilitated under this scenario

  • Governments cannot afford it! In theory $75 billion is required per year for the building and maintenance of roads. ($38 billion as new investment and $37 billion for maintenance)

The global benchmark for road infrastructure efficiency is for 100% of the rural population to live within two kilometres of an all-season road.

In the Ivory Coast,for example, this would require the build of 400,000 kilometres of road, which if you anticipate each Lane- kilometre costing approximately £1m will break the bank. 

Projected World GDP and Transport demand growth from 2010-2030Source: Strategic Transport Infrastructure Needs to 2030, Main Findings OECD page 10

Projected World GDP and Transport demand growth from 2010-2030

Source: Strategic Transport Infrastructure Needs to 2030, Main Findings OECD page 10


I would like to uncover and document how the above mentioned challenges are affecting the lives of those having to live under these conditions, having to live in rural areas and the opportunities given access to the right technology. 

According to a study from Nottingham University, the most profoundly affected countries facing crisis in primary education are especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Over an eight week period, this study looked at primary education utilising specially designed Apps to measure the development of Children in Malawi and UK, which demonstrated that the learning gains were of similar magnitude.

This is highly interesting, as it demonstrates that given the right environment and tools the sky is the limit and opportunities are endless.